
yours truly

I find the process of creating something to be one of the most rewarding experiences of a lifetime. When I was young, you could find me sketching those around me, wearing eclectic outfits and cartoon expressions. Today I still occasionally pick up a pen, working as a freelance designer and photographer in Los Angeles. I'm currently exploring all that is possible with AI through Adobe Firefly, and dipping a toe into 3D with Rhino and ZBrush.

Projects of mine have involved everything from interactive digital experiences to printed packaging, brand development and storytelling, art direction, social media, photography, web design, illustration, animation, and more. I enjoy collaborating with a diverse team of writers, directors, designers, developers, inventors, and innovators, creating something larger and more meaningful than we ever could on our own.

My interests and odd amusements include spontaneous photo trips, street art, cultural preservation & architecture throughout LA, long strolls through antique stores, “the spooky & the weird,” podcasts & music, true crime, delicious packaging, beautiful chocolates & candy stores, wild rides & wild animals, yoga, hiking, travel and collecting art from all around the world.

Dream job as a kid: working at 7-11 (because they had access to all the candy!)

Dream job now: open for business 😉


619 . 471 . 6453